Tag Archives: University Advancement

UA Student Process Reminders for Supervisors

that UA students make up approximately 9.1% of our active user base? There are specific processes that need to be followed when hiring, onboarding AND offboarding UA student employees. Take note of reminders below!


Follow the onboarding process documentation for student employees found on The Canopy under Offers and Onboarding of the UA Students Canopy Page.

  • Why this matters: Students need access to systems (in addition to ADVANCE) that will be critical to their job role (e.g. access to drives, Canopy access, etc. – documentation breaks down procedures based on the student supporting central versus non-central units).


Follow the offboarding process documentation for student employees when they are no longer employed for UA. This information is found on The Canopy under the Performance Management and Development section of the UA Students Canopy Page.

  • Why this matters: The student’s access to our systems need to be removed to protect the information that they no longer should have access to (e.g. drives, Canopy, etc.)


UA Students do not have permission to work remotely for University Advancement. All UA Student positions are to be considered in-person positions. They must be logged into an on-campus CSU computer to access ADVANCE and My Learning for ADVANCE training. Unless otherwise approved by the Leadership Council, UA units will not be granted access to hire remote student employees at this time.

  • Why this matters: CSU is unable to supply and support CSU equipment for students to use at home. Students using personal technology without the proper safety tools to access CSU systems is a risk. In addition, we want to ensure that CSU information and projects are not being saved to external equipment. If there are times that it is easier for a student to complete a specific project remotely that does not utilize CSU systems, a student supervisor can make that determination/exception on a limited basis.

In summary, please review the processes for onboarding and offboarding UA student employees prior to submitting forms or contacting ADVRequest for access. These processes are vetted and reviewed annually and if used correctly can expedite access and training for your UA students.

Thank you!

From the Desk of ADV Request

This is a friendly reminder as we approach the Fall hiring season, if you or UA student employee/intern needs additional access rights within Advance and/or Advance training, please remember to complete an Access and Training Request Form found on The Canopy under Quick Links > UA Staff/CSUF/Student Interns.

For Non-UA staff:

  • You can access the form here.

While you may self-register for training in My Learning, please remember to first submit this form so that Advance rights can be assigned. Otherwise, you will be unable to complete your training. My Learning does not send notifications to ADV Request staff for when someone registers for a My Learning module.

Why this helps ADV Request?

  • Saves back and forth email regarding the training for you and ADV Request
  • We have a formal record of the request
  • Ensures rights are assigned before you begin the training so that practice scenarios, final checkpoints, etc. for the training can be completed in Advance without delay of the training – saving you from having to contact ADV Request
  • First and foremost – saves everyone TIME!
that Fall is our busiest season for training and access? We would like to keep everyone’s ability to self-register going forward, so remembering to submit this form first will help keep this ability in place.

If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to ADV Request.

Happy Learning!

Kate Coskrey

WELCOME to the New Bright and Shiny!

Since ending our campaign in June, and with a little over 5 months left in this year – 2020 – Systems Education and Analysis thought a new blog ‘look and feel’ might help us feel refreshed and optimistic for what lies ahead for University Advancement. We asked those of you new to University Advancement to follow this blog as part of your initial ADVANCE training. We utilize the blog format as a micro-learning tool to “push” out system related information to you in “smaller bites” so as not to overwhelm you with a ton of information all in one sitting!

Clapping Emoji

So, welcome to the new and improved ADVANCE Innovations blog!!

We look forward to sharing new and exciting system enhancements, system usage tips and tricks, program best practices, and other related ADVANCE information. You can expect up to 10 posts in a given year.

Did You Know Graphic





Systems Education and Analysis manages the blog; however, we encourage each one of you to become a ”guest author” of a future blog posting. For example, if you or your team is working on a project that involves the ADVANCE system and/or supporting programs and you wish to share the “who, what, when, where, and why” of your project and how it will affect other users, we encourage you to submit a post.

To request becoming a “guest author” for the ADVANCE Innovations blog, please send an email to ADVRequest@colostate.edu.

We look forward to the time when we can reconnect personally with all of you and hope you are getting your training and information needs met during this difficult time.

Take care…


The Domino Effect

Did You Know Graphic when a University Advancement employee leaves UA, transfers to another UA unit, is reorganized/merged into another UA organizational structure, or leaves the University entirely, that there are a number of processes that ITE and others need to complete in the system before we consider them gone or moved? In other words, it is more than just adding a stop date or move date on their record. Enter the Domino Effect!

The Domino Effect

The “situation” causing the “effect” is usually a staff member leaving, transferring, and/or merging. This then triggers a series of events that can require additional involvement and processes by Innovation Technology and Education (ITE), Systems Education and Analysis (SEA), Constituent & Gift Information (CGI), Pipeline and Prospect Development (P2D), and potentially others (i.e. HR, ABS, UAVP, etc.). In the examples below, I will only mention what occurs with ITE (SEA), P2D, and CGI. If you add in the processes from the other groups…Whoa!

Below are examples of the domino effect.

Employee leaves UA/University:
This is probably the easiest scenario for us to deal with. An employee leaves the division and/or University. Obviously, there needs to be an employment update made in Advance by CGI. If the person leaving is a front-line fundraiser managing a prospect portfolio, P2D needs to get involved to transfer that prospect portfolio to a “holding” account or another individual until a replacement is hired. In addition, ITE needs to remove the individual from the UA list-serves and collect any unused computer equipment. SEA needs to inactivate the employee as an ADVANCE user, which may entail adjustments to the ADVANCE configuration tool, staff table, and auxiliary program licenses held by that individual.

Employee transfers to another UA unit:
This scenario is slightly more complex and definitely takes on a surgical approach. Although the employee is staying within University Advancement, a number of processes still need to happen to complete the transfer. Again, CGI needs to update their employment record in ADVANCE and update their CGI liaison. ITE needs to move the user to the correct list-serve(s), and may be involved in physical moves and/or equipment transfers/documentation – which can also involve coordination with IT staff in other units when the employee is moving in or out of Central UA. SEA needs to move the employee to the correct user group in the ADVANCE configuration tool. In addition, and will possibly need to adjust their user rights based on the employee’s new job responsibilities, schedule more training, decide what, if any, reports need to follow them to their new position or should stay with their old group, and adjust the staff table and auxiliary program licenses as needed. Again, if this individual is a front-line fundraiser, P2D needs to be involved in the management of that person’s prospect portfolio, which includes the release, reassignment, or hold of their old assigned prospects and the prospects they are set to inherit in their new position. Identifying a specific day for tracking effort in their new position is crucial. Once completed, the employee will appear twice on the Effort Report (tracked effort with old and new groups).

Employee is reorganized or merged into another existing unit or new unit with new name:

WHEW! The “daddy” of them all! This is where it gets a little crazy!

Individual on the Move








(The graph above represents UA groups affected by recent movement/org changes for UA. Last February, Donor Relations, Presidential Leadership, and UA Communications merged with CSU Events to create UA Engagement. In April, Systems Education and Analysis (formerly Customer Support and Training) moved from TMTS to IT, thus creating ITE and renaming TMTS to TMHR. This past month, Annual Giving has merged with Alumni Relations to create Alumni Relations and Annual Giving, and Prospect Development has moved under new leadership and has been renamed Pipeline and Prospect Development.)

So…not only are there a lot of moving pieces here, there are many people involved in those moving pieces. Of course, the processes described above will need to take place in this scenario as well. However, the level of complexity can extend beyond what we know, leaving additional decisions to be made. Decisions such as renaming units, deciding what data sits where and who has access to that data, and how the new structure and its data will be represented in ADVANCE’s Management, Standard, and Ad-Hoc Reports as well as other programs. What metrics stay with the old unit or move to the new one? How is the Incentive Report affected? To finalize these merge processes is not “an overnight thing”. Much thought, planning, and discussions need to take place for successful individual/group related merges within the system.

As you can see, ‘The Domino Effect’ is alive and well when changes are made in the personnel or group structure of any unit or units. Sometimes it can get a little “whacky” but eventually the kinks are worked out and it is smooth sailing…well…until the next change occurs.

Enjoy! (Click on graphic below…)



What Happens in 90 Days?

Did You Know Graphic that Innovation Technology and Education rolled out a new CDIS (Constituent Data Information System) security policy in July that contained a wide-range of ADVANCE access adjustments to system users. One of the significant changes was the addition of a 90-day inactivity policy where access to ADVANCE is removed from a user after 90 days of inactivity.

No Access

Help us, help you!  If you are a casual user of the system, set a calendar reminder to log into ADVANCE every 30 days (or set a schedule that works best for you) if you know you may not be logging into ADVANCE on a more frequent basis.

Systems Education and Analysis receives notice of an expired confidentiality agreement, and notice of an account that has reached 90 days of inactivity. Both of these scenarios will result in the loss of ADVANCE access.

Please keep your account up-to-date and log in as frequent as you can to avoid inactivation.
Thank you!

If you have you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact ADV Request.

Kate Coskrey 

Online Registration Coming Soon!

Did You Know Graphic  that Advance/CDIStiller courses are moving to online registration in MyLearning?  Well hang on… just not quite yet.

So – help us, help you!

To help the Innovative Technology and Education (ITE) team to keep the ball moving towards our launch date (which is soon), you can help us by continuing to submit your Advance access and training requests by the same process as you have used previously – through the Advance Access & Training Request form (located in My Reference of Advance).

Doing so will help our team to be prepared for any learner that registers for training so that they have all of the necessary rights in Advance on the day of their training as granting access takes time and should be done prior to the start of a training.  This will ensure that learners can follow along and have the best learning experience and use of their time as possible.

This is important to know! Once MyLearning registration rolls out for Advance training, we will still require an Advance Access and Training Request form as the first step to registration versus going straight to MyLearning so that we are notified of a registered learner. We want to be prepared and aware for any learner that comes through our door for training and avoid a surprise on the day of training.

As always – if there are any questions about this request, please don’t hesitate to contact ADV Request.

Kate Coskrey


Hello CSU University Advancement Team!

Thank you for taking a peek at our new blog. This blog was created to support Talent Management, Training and Support’s role in informing Advance users of new programs, features, enhancements, and trends, as well as some interesting “Did you know’s?”.

For example, Image result for Did you know images that one way to improve employee engagement is by using social learning? What is social learning? It is an informal mode of learning in which participants interact either in person or via a variety of electronic means including BLOGS, social networking, videos, podcasts and more. Social learning creates an interactive, interconnected experience for employees. We see this ADVANCE INNOVATIONS blog as an opportunity to push  information out to you in a quick, informal, and hopefully entertaining way.

“What about the other emails we are receiving from you for basically the same thing?” you ask. Well, we will need to continue reading those as well because they contain more specific detail and possibly some confidential information…so please do not ignore those.

The author’s of this blog will include Janet Meine, Shay Webb, Linda Paule, and kylan Marsh. We will also welcome guest writers. If you have a special way of working in Advance or one of the supporting programs or have a fun “Did You Know?” and would like to share this to the group, please write up a little blurb and send those items to Janet Meine to be published on a future blog.  We hope to hear from you.

Please follow this blog by clicking on the FOLLOW area below to add your email.